🪷 || श्री गोपीजन बल्लभाय नमः || 🪷

About Temple

Jay Shri Krishna
Shree Shyam Bihari appeared from Govind Kund
It is about the year 1500. Dhir Gosain Mishra, father of Premnidhi Mishr, was born in Agra. Dhir Gosai of religious nature had nine brothers. In the division of the property, the remaining eight brothers had thrown the devotee Dheer Gosain out of the house. With a sad heart, Dheer Gosain reached Govardhan while walking and after having darshan jumped into Govind Kund to end his life. One of the idols from the bottom of the pool came in his hands.
That deity of black stone belonged to Thakur Shri Shyambihari ji himself. He came back to Agra with Thakur ji. Here a temple was established in Rawat Pada. Which is currently famous as Lakshmi Narayan Temple. Everyday worship started there. People’s faith started increasing. One name of Shri Shyam Bihari is Bade Govind Ji also became famous.
Dhir Gosain’s livelihood was dependent on the temple itself. He got married and they got a son in 1503 (Samvat 1560, Shravan Shukla Dwadashi). The child was named Premnidhi.
(प्रगट अमित गुण प्रेमनिधि धन्य विप्रि जिन्ही नाम धरयो)

|| जय श्री कृष्ण ||

उत्सवों की जानकारी

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