Mahaprabhu Ji Shri Vallabhacharya

Vallabhacharya ji was the embodiment of God himself.
Apart from daily service to Krishna, Pushtimargiya Vaishnavas have no other religion nor duty. One should serve God with the intention of giving up the pleasures of one’s body so that Thakur Ji gets happiness. One should not serve God as an instrument, as a ritual, or as a burden, just for the sake of sustenance. Vallabhacharya ji, who propagated this essence of service, was an incarnation of God himself.
The appearance of Shrimad Vallabhacharya Ji, the founder of Shuddhadvaita Brahmavad’s interpretation and confirmation path, on Vaishakh Krishna Ekadashi V.S. It was born in 1535 (AD 1478). Your father was Shri Laxman Bhatt and mother Illammagaru. The original place of this family was a village called Kankadwad near Khamman in Andhra Pradesh. He was a Tailang Brahmin.
During this period, five generations before Shri Laxman Bhatt, Shri Yajnarayan Bhatt performed 32 Somayyagya. His son Shri Gangadhan Bhatt performed 28, his son Shri Ganpati Bhatt performed 30, his son Shri Balam Bhatt performed 5 and his son Shri Laxman Bhatt performed 5 Somnath Yagya. In this way hundred Somayyas were completed. Shri Yagyanarayan had received the boon that after completing 100 Somayyagyas, God would be incarnated in his lineage. The number of Somayyagyas was completed during the time of Shri Vallabhacharya’s father. Then Shri Vallabhacharya appeared.
Shri Laxman Bhatt came to Kashi while on pilgrimage from Kankarwad and made his residence here. Shri Lakshman Bhatt had a son named Ramakrishna and two daughters named Saraswati and Subhadra. Illammagaru was pregnant again. Then a strong rumor spread about the attack of Yavanas on Kashi. In such a situation, Shri Laxman Bhatt decided to leave Kashi and set out with his wife.
Due to the long, tiring and painful journey and mental stress, Illammagaru’s Satmasa delivery took place under the Shami tree in a ravine named Champaranya in Raipur district of Madhya Pradesh.
There were no visible signs of movement or consciousness in this body. Therefore, considering the newborn baby to be dead, wrapped it in leaves and kept it in the hollow of the Shami tree and went ahead with his wife to Chauda village. There, both of them came to know in their dreams that the new born child whom they had left thinking that they were dead, was the manifestation of God which would happen after hundred Somayyagyas.
He came to Champaran again. Going there, he saw that there was a circle of fire all around the place where he had kept the baby, as if it was a blazing fire pit. The loving mother, ignoring the fire, went near the child as if the fire had given way to her. Mother Illammagaru picked up the child and hugged it to her heart. Meanwhile, information was received that the crisis in Kashi has been averted. Therefore, Shri Laxman Bhatt returned to Kashi with his wife and son.
Came here and performed the naming ceremony. The child was named Vallabh. At the age of five, Shrivallabh’s sacred thread ceremony took place. At a young age, Shri Vallabh studied the Vedas deeply. His father and teachers were amazed by his extraordinary talent. One day in the Yagya Shala, Shri Laxman Bhatt had a dream that Veshvanar, the face form of God, was born in his house as a son. Seeing the supernatural talent of Shri Vallabh, people started calling him Bal Saraswati.
When Shri Vallabh was only eleven years old, your father Shri Lakshmanbhatta went to Vaikunthavasa. Then Shri Vallabh set out on a southern journey with his mother. On the way, you showed your immense erudition and supernatural talent in the scholarly assembly of King Orchha and in the Jagdish temple of Jagannathpuri. A gathering of scholars was held in the Jagannath temple, in which the king was also present.
There was discussion in the meeting that (1) Which is the main scripture? (2) What is the main karma? (3) What is the main mantra? (4) Who is the main god? Everyone was presenting their opinions but a unanimous solution could not be found. Bal Saraswati Shri Vallabh also reached here in the guise of a celibate. You asked for permission and replied as per the scriptures.
Most of the scholars praised this decision but some stubborn scholars and those who considered themselves great scholars wanted proof of it. Then Lord Shri Jagannath himself confirmed Shri Vallabh’s intention with the following verse: – Enk Shastram Devaki Putra Geetam, Eko Devon Dev Ki Putra Ev. Mantronsyakastasya namami i.e., karmapyekam tasya devsya seva.
That is – (1) Shri Mad Bhagwat Geeta is the only scripture taught by Lord Shri Krishna, son of Devaki. (2) Devaki Nandan Shri Krishna is the only God. (3) That mantra is in the name of Lord Krishna only. And service to Lord Krishna is the only religion. This talent of Shri Vallabh was accepted with great respect by all the scholars.
Shri Vallabh, while traveling, reached Vijayanagar in the south, where your maternal uncle was the king’s donor. Vijayanagar (Vidyanagar) was a Hindu state and was a great center of learning at that time. King Krishnadev had organized a huge gathering of scholars. The subject to be considered was whether the views of the main scriptures of India, Vedas, Upanishads, Brahmasutra, Geeta etc. are dualistic or nondual. Shri Vallabh considered the only word as proof and based on the four principles (Veda, Brahmasutra, Geeta and Bhagwat) Shuddhadvaita,
Proved the truth of religion and the world against Sakar Brahma. Rejected Mayavada. You were declared victorious and you were anointed by sitting on a golden throne.
You were honored with the title of Akhandbhoomandalacharya and Jagadguru Shri Madacharya. You refused to take the gold of Kanakabhishek considering it as untouchable as bathing water and distributed the gold among the pundits. The king again offered a plateful of gold coins, but out of them you accepted only seven coins, for which after making anklets, they were dedicated to Thakur ji.
Shri Mad Vallabhacharya visited India thrice barefoot and propagated his principles by discussing with scholars. These journeys were completed in approximately nineteen years. At the time of migration, you used to set up your destination somewhere secluded, away from the crowd, on the banks of a reservoir. The places where you recited Shrimad Bhagwat are today known as meetings, these 84 meetings of yours are famous.